Sunday 30 July

You almost have to feel sorry for beleaguered PM Rishi Sunak – while his MPs swan off on holiday for weeks on end, he doggedly continues trying to defend his government’s terrible record despite most of the problems being of his own making. He’s been slammed for taking no genuine interest in green policies orContinue reading “Sunday 30 July”

Sunday 18 June

How the mighty have fallen, after weeks of speculation over the outcome of the Commons Privileges Committee investigation into Boris Johnson finding what we suspected all along, that he did indeed mislead Parliament and commit other offences besides. Add to that contempt of Parliament for the way he disrespected and abused them, using the furiousContinue reading “Sunday 18 June”

Sunday 4 September

This last week, the end of August and start of September, is often characterised by a poignant change in the light, signalling the end of summer, returns to school, college and work and perhaps the necessity to face up to harsh realities which holidays can obscure. But there’s no sense of any new beginning inContinue reading “Sunday 4 September”

Saturday 19 February

The dramatic weather conditions have temporarily pushed the Ukraine crisis and this government’s self-inflicted and worsening travails down the news agenda – it’s been quite alarming (much more for those nearby, of course!) seeing footage of London’s O2 arena’s roof being shredded, an enormous tree toppling over in Devon and the top of a SomersetContinue reading “Saturday 19 February”

Sunday 28 November

After social psychologist Professor Stephen Reicher tweeted that trust was crucial for people to accept and follow government restrictions a sceptic responded that trust is not specific to one area of government action: ‘sadly this government has repeatedly shown itself to be dishonest and corrupt, harming public health’. This principle is central to this blog,Continue reading “Sunday 28 November”

Thursday 7 May

Speculation about today’s and Sunday’s announcements on lockdown strategy has led to  #Keepthelockdown  trending at no 1 on Twitter, while many media sources and politicians are calling for its end or phasing out, for the sake of the economy, mental health and so on. There’s concern that the government wanting to convey an impression (delusion?)Continue reading “Thursday 7 May”

Saturday 2 May

As the death toll now passes 28,000, I’m still appalled by Matt Hancock’s disingenuous and self-congratulatory spiel at yesterday’s Downing Street Briefing. Having made the arbitrary 100,000 tests a day target a key goal, ‘a massive achievement’ based on massaged statistics, there’s apparently still no understanding that this is only one aspect of an uncoordinatedContinue reading “Saturday 2 May”