Saturday 6 June

It seems the government’s house of cards is collapsing further, every day bringing more revelations of incompetence and delayed action, which will result in yet more anxiety for an already worried population. During the last 36 hours it emerged that the Westminster government suppressed a report on the Iris pandemic modelling exercise in Scotland inContinue reading “Saturday 6 June”

Saturday 30 May

What a terrible news week it’s been. With COVID deaths moving towards the 40,000 which sounded horrific when first estimated months ago and still does, there’s been the Dominic Cummings debacle and further erosion of confidence in the PM on continuing to back him despite 44 of his own MPs including former ministers calling forContinue reading “Saturday 30 May”

Tuesday 19 May

I won’t have been the only one shocked at the news that the loss of taste and smell is only now being included in the list #COVID19 symptoms to be tested for, when the World Health Organisation has recommended this for some time. Experts warned that tens of thousands of cases of Covid-19 were beingContinue reading “Tuesday 19 May”

Sunday 17 May

As the COVID19 death toll passes 34, 466, so it appears do divisions in society about key issues like the balance between freedom and safety. The debate surrounding lockdown easing is intensifying, many having decided to stick to the former regime and others feeling this is an attack on liberty, leading to a police state.Continue reading “Sunday 17 May”

Thursday 14 May

As more and more holes appear in the government’s strategy, despite attempts by ministers to suggest that everything’s gone according to plan, it’s emerged that at least 95,000 people entered the UK from overseas since lockdown imposition, with no attempt to ascertain how many had Covid-19. Keir Starmer’s forensic challenge to the PM yesterday onContinue reading “Thursday 14 May”

Tuesday 5 May

Although some caution must be exercised because of different ways of handling statistics in different countries, it’s shocking to learn that the UK has overtaken Italy for the highest number of COVID-related fatalities in Europe – more than 32,000 according to the latest ONS figures released today. Although the causes are well known, especially theContinue reading “Tuesday 5 May”

Monday 4 May

Delaying the lockdown exit strategy until Sunday will inevitably raise expectations as to its contents and impact so let’s hope it’s worth the wait. It will need to carefully balance the need to prevent further spread of COVID with the need to recharge the economy and to halt further lockdown collateral damage – loneliness, anxiety,Continue reading “Monday 4 May”