Sunday 25 February

If you thought our politics were turbulent before, they’ve hit rock bottom now, the epitome being the debacle in the House of Commons on Wednesday and its continuing aftermath. The Conservatives suddenly started caring about democracy when they’ve done their best to wreck it over recent years and not everyone is buying the weak Speaker’sContinue reading “Sunday 25 February”

Sunday 5 November

As we gradually emerge from the high winds and deluges of yet another storm, there’s sadly no sign of emergence from the Israel/Hamas conflict, the appalling Covid Inquiry revelations, further examples of Tory corruption and debates about AI and the much trumpeted AI Safety Conference. The police and politicians seem to be taken aback byContinue reading “Sunday 5 November”

Monday 9 October

Most of us must be hoping now that we don’t soon have a full scale Middle East war brewing up. Here, in the UK….. What an absolute rollercoaster British politics has been during recent weeks, much of it intensely unsavoury and depressing, including the latest Tory (donor ‘Lord’ Bamford) being the subject of a threeContinue reading “Monday 9 October”

Bank Holiday blogpost

Time is rushing on and as we approach the summer Bank Holiday, there’s no shortage of news so there’s zero excuse for the media resorting to Silly Season mode. Large numbers of migrants are still arriving here despite the government’s ‘small boats’ policy and, embarrassingly, Small Boats Week; ministers seized on what they present asContinue reading “Bank Holiday blogpost”

Sunday 9 July

It would be unfortunate if the febrile speculation over the identity of the BBC presenter at the centre of inappropriate conduct allegations and the email related to George Osborne’s conduct were allowed to overshadow what have been important events this last fortnight. As we enter the second half of the year, Rishi Sunak’s government continuesContinue reading “Sunday 9 July”

Sunday 18 June

How the mighty have fallen, after weeks of speculation over the outcome of the Commons Privileges Committee investigation into Boris Johnson finding what we suspected all along, that he did indeed mislead Parliament and commit other offences besides. Add to that contempt of Parliament for the way he disrespected and abused them, using the furiousContinue reading “Sunday 18 June”

Saturday 3 June

Whenever we think the government can’t get any worse, it does, and these last few weeks have been no exception. It seems there’s no limit to the damage this government is prepared to inflict on this country and its reputation on the world stage in order to get away with corruption and incompetence. Besides theContinue reading “Saturday 3 June”

Sunday 5 March

It’s been yet another turbulent fortnight in politics, accelerating to such a degree that I was put in mind of the name of the 1960s satirical show ‘That was the Week that was’ (some may be old enough even to have heard of it!). This week alone, we’ve seen Rishi Sunak touting his hard wroughtContinue reading “Sunday 5 March”

Saturday 23 July

So the would-be ‘king of the world’ has finally gone, deposed by those who supported him for so long for fear of losing their own seats…. but not so fast. It already appears that some commentators like Simon Jenkins could be right about this being too easy an assumption: during the deluded and unreal leadershipContinue reading “Saturday 23 July”

Sunday 8 May

As ever, a fortnight is a long time in politics and world events: much has happened to further bring the Conservative Party into disrepute, especially the Angela Rayner leg crossing saga, ‘Tractorgate’, which resulted in the resignation of porn viewing MP Neil Parish, and the High Court’s finding against the government on care home CovidContinue reading “Sunday 8 May”