Sunday 23 January

The febrile political atmosphere has been intensifying over the last fortnight, catalyzed by ‘Partygate’, as allegations and revelations come thick and fast, the Prime Minister finally well and truly on the ropes. Although anger over Partygate has been building since before Christmas, three key events this last week have heightened tensions – the emergence ofContinue reading “Sunday 23 January”

Sunday 25 July

Yes, I seem to say this most weeks but you really couldn’t make up what happened last weekend. On the cusp of the much trumpeted Freedom Day, the Health Secretary tested positive and the PM and Chancellor were told to self-isolate, taking out at one fell swoop three key government figures. ‘Beyond satire,’ as oneContinue reading “Sunday 25 July”

Sunday 30 May

As ever, several key issues have been jostling with each other for media coverage, all of them with very unsettling potential, including the quality of BBC journalism and position of the BBC in the wake of the Martin Bashir scandal, continuing confusion over the Amber List of countries, the rapid rise of the Indian VariantContinue reading “Sunday 30 May”

Sunday 2 May

It already seems a long time since last weekend, when many were disturbed to see the thousands taking part in an anti-lockdown protest in London’s Hyde Park and Oxford Street, apparently allowed by the police to go ahead. Of course there was no distancing or mask wearing and a group of six women interviewed forContinue reading “Sunday 2 May”

Saturday 24 April

Last week the Greensill scandal continued to be the gift that kept on giving, fresh revelations mushrooming up every day, although the government must have been grateful for the three distractions which the media made the most of. The latest bombshell from Dominic Cummings is a distraction the PM definitely won’t be grateful for –Continue reading “Saturday 24 April”

Saturday 20 March

We’re now fast approaching the anniversary of the start of the first lockdown and what a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. Now that about 130,000 lives have been lost, it will be interesting to see how the public mourning day  (National Day of Reflection) goes on Tuesday, to be markedContinue reading “Saturday 20 March”

Saturday 14 November

Of all the eventful weeks we’ve had recently, this one must be a record, including the aftermath of Biden’s victory, Trump’s ongoing refusal to concede amid allegations of fraud, the second predictable government U-turn on free school meals, the relief (despite the hard work to come) of the Pfizer vaccine announcement, the defeat of theContinue reading “Saturday 14 November”

Sunday 12 July

As the COVID19 death toll reaches 44,798, it’s been another very busy news week, starting with widespread criticism of the PM for appearing to blame care homes for not taking sufficient precautions in the early stages of the pandemic, leading to over 20,000 care home deaths. It was then left yet again to hapless ministersContinue reading “Sunday 12 July”

Saturday 30 May

What a terrible news week it’s been. With COVID deaths moving towards the 40,000 which sounded horrific when first estimated months ago and still does, there’s been the Dominic Cummings debacle and further erosion of confidence in the PM on continuing to back him despite 44 of his own MPs including former ministers calling forContinue reading “Saturday 30 May”

Monday 25 May

Not surprisingly, the Dominic Cummings revelations continue to dominate the media and infuriate many who have, despite considerable difficulties, mostly stuck to the rules which he chose to disregard and cover up. His actions further leach trust in the government, undermining authority and thereby its mandate to govern, although this doesn’t yet seem to haveContinue reading “Monday 25 May”