Sunday 5 November

As we gradually emerge from the high winds and deluges of yet another storm, there’s sadly no sign of emergence from the Israel/Hamas conflict, the appalling Covid Inquiry revelations, further examples of Tory corruption and debates about AI and the much trumpeted AI Safety Conference. The police and politicians seem to be taken aback byContinue reading “Sunday 5 November”

Monday 9 October

Most of us must be hoping now that we don’t soon have a full scale Middle East war brewing up. Here, in the UK….. What an absolute rollercoaster British politics has been during recent weeks, much of it intensely unsavoury and depressing, including the latest Tory (donor ‘Lord’ Bamford) being the subject of a threeContinue reading “Monday 9 October”

Saturday 23 July

So the would-be ‘king of the world’ has finally gone, deposed by those who supported him for so long for fear of losing their own seats…. but not so fast. It already appears that some commentators like Simon Jenkins could be right about this being too easy an assumption: during the deluded and unreal leadershipContinue reading “Saturday 23 July”

Saturday 6 November

During the week our prime minister continued to downplay the likely effectiveness of COP26, admitting that the preceding G20 summit of world leaders in Rome had failed to ‘step up to the plate’ regarding action on climate change. Despite the efforts of some politicians to marginalise Greta Thunberg, it will have a marked impact thatContinue reading “Saturday 6 November”

Sunday 31 October

Last weekend the Times columnist Matthew Parris wrote a hard-hitting and chilling article explaining why he thinks (and he won’t be alone) ‘we’re going to the dogs’. ‘We haven’t quite woken up to the mess we’re in yet, but we will. In the unconscious mind of the nation the dots are all there, waiting toContinue reading “Sunday 31 October”

Saturday 23 October

With so much going on in the political sphere, increasingly impacting on our mental wellbeing, an economist (Walter E Williams) quoted in the Sunday Telegraph seems especially fitting: ‘Most of the great problems we face are caused by politicians creating solutions to problems they created in the first place’. As we continue to reflect onContinue reading “Saturday 23 October”

Wednesday 22 April

Besides the daily death toll, another depressing piece of news is Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty’s view that the UK will have to live with some social distancing measures for the rest of the year. Today’s Guardian editorial paints a reactive rather than proactive picture of the government’s COVID19 strategy, presenting an analysis of what’sContinue reading “Wednesday 22 April”