Sunday 10 July

Previous references in this blog to tumultuous and febrile times had nothing on what’s unfolded during the last week but the cumulative pile-on of the last few months would have caused many of us to feel that this was a defenestration waiting to happen. How the mighty have fallen – Boris Johnson, the would-be ‘kingContinue reading “Sunday 10 July”

Sunday 15 August

Last week’s news, much of it a continuation or repetition of what we’ve seen before, served as a timely reminder of what an uncertain world we’re living in, this naturally impacting on our mental wellbeing. As we move closer to the global climate change conference, COP26, experts and politicians deliver ever starker messages but oftenContinue reading “Sunday 15 August”

Sunday 8 August

Although we’ve now officially entered the ‘silly season’ regarding news, there’s plenty of it and, more insidiously, ‘living with Covid’ seems to have been conflated with normalising the damning statistics (92 Covid deaths on Friday and 31,808 new cases), not to mention the terrible health, financial and societal side-effects. Our Prime Minister continues to shameContinue reading “Sunday 8 August”

Saturday 17 July

Having watched football on tv for the first time ever (the Euro 2020 semi-final and final) I am now a football expert (!) and I did think it seemed a mistake for Southgate last Sunday evening to bring on different players for the penalties. Gratifyingly, many of those who know the game inside out seemedContinue reading “Saturday 17 July”

Sunday 30 May

As ever, several key issues have been jostling with each other for media coverage, all of them with very unsettling potential, including the quality of BBC journalism and position of the BBC in the wake of the Martin Bashir scandal, continuing confusion over the Amber List of countries, the rapid rise of the Indian VariantContinue reading “Sunday 30 May”

Saturday 20 March

We’re now fast approaching the anniversary of the start of the first lockdown and what a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. Now that about 130,000 lives have been lost, it will be interesting to see how the public mourning day  (National Day of Reflection) goes on Tuesday, to be markedContinue reading “Saturday 20 March”

Sunday 23 August

After months of other cancellations and weeks of uncertainty regarding ‘air bridges’, it was a relief and delight to finally get to Italy last week, where it’s immediately apparent how much more seriously the COVID19 risk is being taken. Mask wearing is obligatory inside various venues and on public transport, temperature ‘guns’ are in frequentContinue reading “Sunday 23 August”

Sunday 5 July

As we enter the second half of 2020 and the UK COVID 19 death toll passes 44,000, it’s been another busy and dispiriting news week, dominated by the dithering and lack of consultation experienced by the other three UK nations around the ‘air bridges’ and quarantine policy. It makes a nonsense of the alleged ‘fourContinue reading “Sunday 5 July”