Sunday 5 March

It’s been yet another turbulent fortnight in politics, accelerating to such a degree that I was put in mind of the name of the 1960s satirical show ‘That was the Week that was’ (some may be old enough even to have heard of it!). This week alone, we’ve seen Rishi Sunak touting his hard wroughtContinue reading “Sunday 5 March”

Saturday 22 October

Of all the stormy weeks we’ve seen in UK politics recently, this last fortnight must qualify as the most tumultuous, during which, astonishingly, we’ve seen the PM’s sacking of her Chancellor, her absence from the House for Labour’s Urgent Question, (leaving Penny Mordaunt to endlessly stonewall the inevitable questions), poor performance at her second PMQs,Continue reading “Saturday 22 October”

Sunday 5 July

As we enter the second half of 2020 and the UK COVID 19 death toll passes 44,000, it’s been another busy and dispiriting news week, dominated by the dithering and lack of consultation experienced by the other three UK nations around the ‘air bridges’ and quarantine policy. It makes a nonsense of the alleged ‘fourContinue reading “Sunday 5 July”

Wednesday 6 May

The COVID19 death toll has naturally focused more attention than usual on the ways death and mourning are observed. Funerals, now very restricted, have always been a way to mark an individual’s passing but in this extreme situation it could be argued that a much more public commemoration is called for. ‘It’s very weird howContinue reading “Wednesday 6 May”