Sunday 1 November

Well, here we are again, in a place many of us expected and dreaded for some time: a second national lockdown from Thursday (subject to parliamentary approval on Wednesday), naturally briefed to the press late on Friday evening. This is a habit which undermines trust in the government even more, ensuring its bombshells fall onContinue reading “Sunday 1 November”

Saturday 30 May

What a terrible news week it’s been. With COVID deaths moving towards the 40,000 which sounded horrific when first estimated months ago and still does, there’s been the Dominic Cummings debacle and further erosion of confidence in the PM on continuing to back him despite 44 of his own MPs including former ministers calling forContinue reading “Saturday 30 May”

Wednesday 13 May

Changes to lockdown restrictions dominate the news agenda, the main ones quite worrying. Many have returned to work today and Sky News showed footage of packed buses and tube trains in London, yet there is no plan to rely on anything more than people’s ‘common sense’ and public transport ‘marshalls’. The situation will need carefullyContinue reading “Wednesday 13 May”

Friday 8 May

Following what many found mixed messages about lockdown strategy over this long weekend, not to mention the PM’s absence from last night’s Downing Street Briefing, heads of police forces have confirmed that lockdown is slowly ‘ebbing away’. They reckon there’s about a 10% increase in foot and road traffic compared with the start, and thatContinue reading “Friday 8 May”

Thursday 7 May

Speculation about today’s and Sunday’s announcements on lockdown strategy has led to  #Keepthelockdown  trending at no 1 on Twitter, while many media sources and politicians are calling for its end or phasing out, for the sake of the economy, mental health and so on. There’s concern that the government wanting to convey an impression (delusion?)Continue reading “Thursday 7 May”

Wednesday 29 April

A big news day today – for the first time the death toll figures will include those in care homes, giving a more complete picture, and the PM has become a father again. While it’s a relief that he won’t be taking paternity leave so soon after returning to ‘run the country’, media fawning overContinue reading “Wednesday 29 April”

Monday 27 April

As the PM returned to work today, interestingly promising to be transparent and to involve opposition parties in lockdown exit planning, the Guardian suggested 6 urgent tasks lay in his already challenging in-tray. Besides the obvious lockdown strategy (about which ministers are said to disagree), the other 5 concern testing (claim of reaching 100,000 aContinue reading “Monday 27 April”