Saturday 10 October

I seem to be saying this most weeks but it has indeed been another eventful week, some developments proving quite shocking when we thought it couldn’t get any worse. Leaving aside the drama across the Atlantic, the main one here must be being the loss under the aegis of Public Health England and the discreditedContinue reading “Saturday 10 October”

Saturday 18 July

The death toll is now 45,233 and it’s been another very eventful news week. It started with the U-turn announcement (following confusion caused by ministers not singing from the same songsheet) that facemasks must be worn in shops, but oddly, not for another ten days. Various commentators have rightly said shop workers shouldn’t have toContinue reading “Saturday 18 July”

Sunday 5 July

As we enter the second half of 2020 and the UK COVID 19 death toll passes 44,000, it’s been another busy and dispiriting news week, dominated by the dithering and lack of consultation experienced by the other three UK nations around the ‘air bridges’ and quarantine policy. It makes a nonsense of the alleged ‘fourContinue reading “Sunday 5 July”

Wednesday 17 June

As the death toll was just announced as 42,153, it’s sobering to realise we’re nearly halfway through the year, the pandemic and lockdown potentially making us feel a lot of life has been lost. For many, though, there have been some notable and unexpected gains as well, such as cheering examples of community engagement, perhapsContinue reading “Wednesday 17 June”