Monday 9 October

Most of us must be hoping now that we don’t soon have a full scale Middle East war brewing up. Here, in the UK….. What an absolute rollercoaster British politics has been during recent weeks, much of it intensely unsavoury and depressing, including the latest Tory (donor ‘Lord’ Bamford) being the subject of a threeContinue reading “Monday 9 October”

Sunday 5 March

It’s been yet another turbulent fortnight in politics, accelerating to such a degree that I was put in mind of the name of the 1960s satirical show ‘That was the Week that was’ (some may be old enough even to have heard of it!). This week alone, we’ve seen Rishi Sunak touting his hard wroughtContinue reading “Sunday 5 March”

Sunday 22 January

As ever, it’s been a very busy fortnight in political circles, with plenty of interesting stuff in the social and economic fields as well, but a car crash interview on Saturday’s Today programme surely encapsulates the dire state of this government. Justice Minister (!) Dominic Raab was asked in no uncertain terms about the shockingContinue reading “Sunday 22 January”

Sunday 29 May

What a tumultuous fortnight it’s been, with pressure building prior to the publication of Sue Gray’s report, incriminating evidence emerging of even more illegal parties, rising concern over the cost of living crisis, the Prime Minister’s non-apology, the predictable ‘support package’ with windfall tax U-turn and Boris Johnson’s unilateral watering down of the Ministerial CodeContinue reading “Sunday 29 May”

Sunday 8 May

As ever, a fortnight is a long time in politics and world events: much has happened to further bring the Conservative Party into disrepute, especially the Angela Rayner leg crossing saga, ‘Tractorgate’, which resulted in the resignation of porn viewing MP Neil Parish, and the High Court’s finding against the government on care home CovidContinue reading “Sunday 8 May”

Friday 15 April

As we approach the Easter weekend the news continues to be grim, with the war raging in Ukraine, inflation running at 7%, rapidly rising Covid cases, service closures and clogged roads and airports due to engineering works Covid absences and Brexit-related delays and continuing mismanagement of crises by this government. All of this is likelyContinue reading “Friday 15 April”

Saturday 19 February

The dramatic weather conditions have temporarily pushed the Ukraine crisis and this government’s self-inflicted and worsening travails down the news agenda – it’s been quite alarming (much more for those nearby, of course!) seeing footage of London’s O2 arena’s roof being shredded, an enormous tree toppling over in Devon and the top of a SomersetContinue reading “Saturday 19 February”

Sunday 6 February

There are almost no words for the shaming debacle currently dominating Downing Street and our politics. There’s no doubt this is having a bad effect on the public’s mental health (more below), some saying publicly that they don’t know what to do with their rage. This rage is exacerbated by the feeling of helplessness arisingContinue reading “Sunday 6 February”

Sunday 23 January

The febrile political atmosphere has been intensifying over the last fortnight, catalyzed by ‘Partygate’, as allegations and revelations come thick and fast, the Prime Minister finally well and truly on the ropes. Although anger over Partygate has been building since before Christmas, three key events this last week have heightened tensions – the emergence ofContinue reading “Sunday 23 January”