Sunday 29 May

What a tumultuous fortnight it’s been, with pressure building prior to the publication of Sue Gray’s report, incriminating evidence emerging of even more illegal parties, rising concern over the cost of living crisis, the Prime Minister’s non-apology, the predictable ‘support package’ with windfall tax U-turn and Boris Johnson’s unilateral watering down of the Ministerial CodeContinue reading “Sunday 29 May”

Sunday 8 May

As ever, a fortnight is a long time in politics and world events: much has happened to further bring the Conservative Party into disrepute, especially the Angela Rayner leg crossing saga, ‘Tractorgate’, which resulted in the resignation of porn viewing MP Neil Parish, and the High Court’s finding against the government on care home CovidContinue reading “Sunday 8 May”

Sunday 6 March

Since Russia invaded Ukraine over a week ago, a shocking but not surprising development, the news has been wall to wall Ukraine. Two million people have reportedly already been displaced by the invasion, an extremely worrying incursion being the capture of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant by Russian military officials. Putin is gaslighting Ukraine andContinue reading “Sunday 6 March”