Sunday 30 July

You almost have to feel sorry for beleaguered PM Rishi Sunak – while his MPs swan off on holiday for weeks on end, he doggedly continues trying to defend his government’s terrible record despite most of the problems being of his own making. He’s been slammed for taking no genuine interest in green policies orContinue reading “Sunday 30 July”

Saturday 3 June

Whenever we think the government can’t get any worse, it does, and these last few weeks have been no exception. It seems there’s no limit to the damage this government is prepared to inflict on this country and its reputation on the world stage in order to get away with corruption and incompetence. Besides theContinue reading “Saturday 3 June”

Sunday 14 May

Although it seems our politics and public life are always in a state of rapid churn, they can hardly have been more turbulent than during these last few weeks. We’ve had the local elections, during which some ‘local’ Conservatives disingenuously resorted to green branding, the Coronation, progress through Parliament of the Illegal Migration Bill andContinue reading “Sunday 14 May”

Sunday 12 December

Various media outlets are now finally discussing the degree to which we can trust the Prime Minister, citing a plummeting in trust over recent months. The major theme of this blog has been the risks to public mental health when we can’t trust our leaders, who function as proxies for our early authority figures (egContinue reading “Sunday 12 December”

Saturday 9 October

To hear politicians pontificating from their conference hall bubbles recently, you’d almost think there wasn’t a fuel and supply chain crisis surging through the rest of the country, the sticking plaster solutions clearly not working. The request for overseas drivers (some of whom have not minced words in their media about how badly they feltContinue reading “Saturday 9 October”

Sunday 3 October

Yet again it’s a week during which the feeling of things being out of control is even more in evidence, from queues at petrol stations, HGV driver shortages leading to some empty supermarket shelves to the anger at police failings following the sentencing of Wayne Couzens. On Radio 4’s Today programme, Home Office crime andContinue reading “Sunday 3 October”

Saturday 3 April

A happy Easter to everyone! Whether or not you’re religious, this time of year is associated with a spirit of renewal, even more so this time as Monday signalled the easing of restrictions in England. Although ministers have long erroneously maintained that ‘most people are obeying the rules’ when sights on local high streets tellContinue reading “Saturday 3 April”

Saturday 20 March

We’re now fast approaching the anniversary of the start of the first lockdown and what a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. Now that about 130,000 lives have been lost, it will be interesting to see how the public mourning day  (National Day of Reflection) goes on Tuesday, to be markedContinue reading “Saturday 20 March”