Bank Holiday blogpost

Time is rushing on and as we approach the summer Bank Holiday, there’s no shortage of news so there’s zero excuse for the media resorting to Silly Season mode. Large numbers of migrants are still arriving here despite the government’s ‘small boats’ policy and, embarrassingly, Small Boats Week; ministers seized on what they present asContinue reading “Bank Holiday blogpost”

Sunday 13 August

August is traditionally known in the media as ‘the silly season’, compensation for the apparent lack of news coming in the form of reporting trivia. But despite most of our MPs including our PM remaining resolutely On Holiday despite the disasters unfolding around them there’s been no shortage of news, the main item of whichContinue reading “Sunday 13 August”

Saturday 13 August

Assailed, as we are on a daily basis, by news of deepening crises in the water and energy industries, in the NHS and cost of living, which put further downward pressure on our mental wellbeing, it surely beggars belief that we are expected to tolerate for weeks on end a ‘zombie government’ (in the wordsContinue reading “Saturday 13 August”

Sunday 6 February

There are almost no words for the shaming debacle currently dominating Downing Street and our politics. There’s no doubt this is having a bad effect on the public’s mental health (more below), some saying publicly that they don’t know what to do with their rage. This rage is exacerbated by the feeling of helplessness arisingContinue reading “Sunday 6 February”

Sunday 6 June

Last weekend ministers and other Johnson supporters queued up to congratulate the PM well on his ‘secret’ wedding to Carrie Symonds, a pretty clear and intended distraction from bad news since this event had originally been planned for 2022. Many were puzzled as to how Father Daniel Humphreys had deemed it acceptable to preside overContinue reading “Sunday 6 June”

Saturday 17 April

After another eventful week, it now seems a long time since Monday, when pubs, cafes and restaurants could open for hospitality outside, and, with the sunny though chilly weather, it does feel that there’s a spirit of renewal in the air. There’s been as much talk about getting a hairdresser or barber appointment as thereContinue reading “Saturday 17 April”

Sunday 28 February

This last week will be memorable at least for the formal announcement of the long awaited roadmap out of lockdown, widely leaked beforehand. It attracted criticism from some health experts and teachers for focusing on dates rather than data despite declarations to the contrary, and for allowing all schools to reopen at once on 8Continue reading “Sunday 28 February”

Wednesday 6 May

The COVID19 death toll has naturally focused more attention than usual on the ways death and mourning are observed. Funerals, now very restricted, have always been a way to mark an individual’s passing but in this extreme situation it could be argued that a much more public commemoration is called for. ‘It’s very weird howContinue reading “Wednesday 6 May”