Bank Holiday blogpost

Time is rushing on and as we approach the summer Bank Holiday, there’s no shortage of news so there’s zero excuse for the media resorting to Silly Season mode. Large numbers of migrants are still arriving here despite the government’s ‘small boats’ policy and, embarrassingly, Small Boats Week; ministers seized on what they present asContinue reading “Bank Holiday blogpost”

Sunday 30 May

As ever, several key issues have been jostling with each other for media coverage, all of them with very unsettling potential, including the quality of BBC journalism and position of the BBC in the wake of the Martin Bashir scandal, continuing confusion over the Amber List of countries, the rapid rise of the Indian VariantContinue reading “Sunday 30 May”

Sunday 16 May

Confirmation of the third step of lockdown easing understandably dominated the news agenda this week but wouldn’t you just know that, like last time, the sense of release was marred by the exponential growth in Indian variant cases. These are tripling every week and there are at least 1300 cases in this country, particularly affectingContinue reading “Sunday 16 May”

Sunday 28 March

As we pass the anniversary of the first lockdown, the British Academy, the UK’s national academy for the humanities and the social sciences, issued a major report, warning of a post-pandemic decade of ‘social and cultural upheaval’ featuring significant inequality and deprivation. Set up last year, initiated by the Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance,Continue reading “Sunday 28 March”

Saturday 20 March

We’re now fast approaching the anniversary of the start of the first lockdown and what a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. Now that about 130,000 lives have been lost, it will be interesting to see how the public mourning day  (National Day of Reflection) goes on Tuesday, to be markedContinue reading “Saturday 20 March”

Tuesday 9 June

On Sunday The Observer led with what some of us have believed for some time – we can’t leave a public inquiry on the government’s management of the crisis till after the pandemic (will there even be an after?) as numerous politicians want to do, kicking that hugely shaming can down the road with argumentsContinue reading “Tuesday 9 June”