Saturday 17 April

After another eventful week, it now seems a long time since Monday, when pubs, cafes and restaurants could open for hospitality outside, and, with the sunny though chilly weather, it does feel that there’s a spirit of renewal in the air. There’s been as much talk about getting a hairdresser or barber appointment as thereContinue reading “Saturday 17 April”

Sunday 5 July

As we enter the second half of 2020 and the UK COVID 19 death toll passes 44,000, it’s been another busy and dispiriting news week, dominated by the dithering and lack of consultation experienced by the other three UK nations around the ‘air bridges’ and quarantine policy. It makes a nonsense of the alleged ‘fourContinue reading “Sunday 5 July”

Tuesday 30 June

Another week into less than quasi-lockdown and, ahead of significant easing of restrictions, eg pubs, restaurants, museums and galleries allowed to open from Saturday (badged Independence Day in Cummingsese), government gaffes and errors of judgement continue to come thick and fast. The first of these is choosing Saturday as the day people can finally goContinue reading “Tuesday 30 June”

Thursday 25 June

As the COVID 19 death toll in the UK exceeds 43,000, several issues jostle for the top news slot, one being the further easing of restrictions scheduled for 4 July, enabling pubs, restaurants, museums, galleries and hairdressers etc to reopen. While some consumers and business owners will be jubilant about this, many remain very concernedContinue reading “Thursday 25 June”