Monday 29 April 2024

Not surprisingly, the last few weeks have seen no let up in the pace of events on the political stage, most of them worrying and/or downright nasty: the escalation of the Middle East conflict and constant platforming of our over-promoted Lord Dave; the passage of the Rwanda Bill (despite the best efforts of the Lords);Continue reading “Monday 29 April 2024”

Sunday 4 February 2024

As the days pass things are looking worse and worse for Rishi Sunak: the Tories are doing badly in the polls; he hasn’t succeeded on any of his pledges from last year; the Rwanda Bill he’s nailed his colours to will face more challenges in the Lords; he’s been warned by the IMF about theContinue reading “Sunday 4 February 2024”

Sunday 27 November

In the wake of the impactful Autumn Statement and as we enter the last week of November we’re faced yet again with a relentlessly depressing situation: continuing industrial action from transport workers, postmen, university staff and soon nurses; the news that by Spring millions of households will be spending a third of their income onContinue reading “Sunday 27 November”

Friday 15 April

As we approach the Easter weekend the news continues to be grim, with the war raging in Ukraine, inflation running at 7%, rapidly rising Covid cases, service closures and clogged roads and airports due to engineering works Covid absences and Brexit-related delays and continuing mismanagement of crises by this government. All of this is likelyContinue reading “Friday 15 April”

Saturday 2 April

At the start of April, a quarter of the year having already gone, we find ourselves here in a wintry chill, the war still raging in Ukraine with not much sign of progress, the UK besmirched by further political scandals and a cost of living crisis unprecedented in recent years. Marvellous. T S Eliot, whoseContinue reading “Saturday 2 April”

Sunday 30 May

As ever, several key issues have been jostling with each other for media coverage, all of them with very unsettling potential, including the quality of BBC journalism and position of the BBC in the wake of the Martin Bashir scandal, continuing confusion over the Amber List of countries, the rapid rise of the Indian VariantContinue reading “Sunday 30 May”

Tuesday 30 June

Another week into less than quasi-lockdown and, ahead of significant easing of restrictions, eg pubs, restaurants, museums and galleries allowed to open from Saturday (badged Independence Day in Cummingsese), government gaffes and errors of judgement continue to come thick and fast. The first of these is choosing Saturday as the day people can finally goContinue reading “Tuesday 30 June”

Thursday 25 June

As the COVID 19 death toll in the UK exceeds 43,000, several issues jostle for the top news slot, one being the further easing of restrictions scheduled for 4 July, enabling pubs, restaurants, museums, galleries and hairdressers etc to reopen. While some consumers and business owners will be jubilant about this, many remain very concernedContinue reading “Thursday 25 June”