Sunday 18 June

How the mighty have fallen, after weeks of speculation over the outcome of the Commons Privileges Committee investigation into Boris Johnson finding what we suspected all along, that he did indeed mislead Parliament and commit other offences besides. Add to that contempt of Parliament for the way he disrespected and abused them, using the furiousContinue reading “Sunday 18 June”

Sunday 28 August

Even this time last week it would not have been too late for the government to heed the many calls for them to recall Parliament in order to urgently address the cost of living crisis, a large part of which is attributable to energy costs, but no. The dim-witted limpet-like attachment to laissez-faire ideology hadContinue reading “Sunday 28 August”

Saturday 20 August (shorter post)

As the UK continues to battle the combined effects of crises in the cost of living, energy supply, the water industry, the NHS and travel chaos continues with further transport strikes, it seems extraordinary that our prime minister departed for another holiday, Downing Street astonishingly declaring that he would only be contacted if ‘anything urgent’Continue reading “Saturday 20 August (shorter post)”