Sunday 23 April

Despite the parliamentary Easter recess there’s been no let up in the turbulence characterizing our socio-political sphere, events (or non-events) scrambling for media attention. That is, if complicit media aren’t instrumental in the increasingly common cover ups. None of this is good for our mental health – it’s one thing for ‘stuff’ to happen butContinue reading “Sunday 23 April”

Sunday 31 July

Our politics this last week has been even less of an edifying spectacle than usual, with (Boris Johnson is said to have connived at this weeks ago) the two Conservative Party leadership candidates fighting like ferrets in a sack, only equalled, it seems, by their supporters and some in Whitehall briefing madly against one orContinue reading “Sunday 31 July”

Friday 24 September

Just when you think the government can’t get any worse, it does just that and in spades this last week. As our Prime Minister undermined the climate change message by jetting off to New York with what seemed a sizeable entourage, giving the most embarrassing performance to the UN General Assembly, back at the ranchContinue reading “Friday 24 September”

Sunday 15 August

Last week’s news, much of it a continuation or repetition of what we’ve seen before, served as a timely reminder of what an uncertain world we’re living in, this naturally impacting on our mental wellbeing. As we move closer to the global climate change conference, COP26, experts and politicians deliver ever starker messages but oftenContinue reading “Sunday 15 August”

Saturday 16 May

The debate about whether or not schools should reopen on 1 June (and now the British Medical Association is firmly supporting the unions) highlights an important issue about how we treat risk. Too much risk adversity makes for existing in a comfort zone rather than living, but although life does involve risk every day, inContinue reading “Saturday 16 May”

Sunday 26 April

Continuing the theme for a moment of one of the hidden costs of the pandemic (worsening symptoms and deaths due to the postponement or cancellation of urgent treatment for life threatening conditions, mental health crises etc), Independent health correspondent Shaun Lintern challenged the BBC this morning, tweeting: ‘BBC News this morning saying NHS intensive careContinue reading “Sunday 26 April”