For many the weekend marked a major change after months, as the warm weather and anticipation of Monday’s easing of lockdown restrictions tempted them to start early by inviting people round and meeting outside, often in quite large groups, not to mention flocking to beaches and beauty spots. What took us by surprise, including publicContinue reading

Saturday 30 May

What a terrible news week it’s been. With COVID deaths moving towards the 40,000 which sounded horrific when first estimated months ago and still does, there’s been the Dominic Cummings debacle and further erosion of confidence in the PM on continuing to back him despite 44 of his own MPs including former ministers calling forContinue reading “Saturday 30 May”

Wednesday 13 May

Changes to lockdown restrictions dominate the news agenda, the main ones quite worrying. Many have returned to work today and Sky News showed footage of packed buses and tube trains in London, yet there is no plan to rely on anything more than people’s ‘common sense’ and public transport ‘marshalls’. The situation will need carefullyContinue reading “Wednesday 13 May”

Friday 1 May

As the 6th week in lockdown draws to a close, it seems that daily revelations of delay and incompetence in handling this crisis are adding to general anxiety. This is because we need to trust and believe in our leaders, authority figures who act as proxies for the early parental figures whose job it wasContinue reading “Friday 1 May”